If coming from the direction of the City, head South along Logan Road, proceed past Garden City Shopping Centre and pass under the Pacific Motor Way then through the next set of traffic lights (Motorway exit).The entrance is the next driveway on the left,( about 100 metres) and is marked by a bluestone structure. Then follow the Office Park driveway to the right, to Building 21. The entrance gate will be open until 8.00pm
When leaving the facility you must head South. At the next set of traffic lights i.e. .the intersection of Logan Road and Miles Plating/Padstow Roads, a “U” Turn is permitted to enable you to head North.
If coming from the direction of the City on the South East Freeway, take Exit 14 (it is after passing the back of. Garden City Shopping Centre) and at the traffic lights turn right and pass under the Pacific Motor Way, then through the next set of traffic lights (Motorway exit).The entrance is the next driveway on the left,( about 100 metres) and is marked by a bluestone structure. Then follow the Office Park driveway to the right, to Building 21. The entrance gate will be open until 8.00pm
When leaving the facility you must head South. At the next set of traffic lights i.e. .the intersection of Logan Road and Miles Plating/Padstow Roads, a “U” Turn is permitted to enable you to head North.
If coming from the direction of the of the Gold Coast on Logan Road, after passing through the traffic lights at the intersection of Logan Road and Miles Plating/Padstow Roads, at the next set of traffic lights do the permitted “U” Turn. The entrance is the next driveway on the left heading South ,( about 100 metres) and is marked by a bluestone structure. Then follow the Office Park driveway to the right, to Building 21. The entrance gate will be open until 8.00pm
When leaving the facility you must head South. ( i.e. turn left). ). A “U” Turn is permitted at the next set of traffic lights.
If coming from the direction of the of the Gold Coast on the Pacific Motorway, take the Mount Gravatt exit, then turn left at the first set of traffic lights. The entrance is the next driveway on the left ( about 100 metres) and is marked by a bluestone structure. Then follow the Office Park driveway to the right, to Building 21. The entrance gate will be open until 8.00pm
When leaving the facility you must head South ( i.e. turn left). A “U” Turn is permitted at the next set of traffic lights.